The part of clothing called a button can play the role of a decoration that creates an impressive appearance by interacting with the clothes. There is no other combination that enhances the first impression of clothing as much as the intimate relationship formed between the blazer and gold buttons. These "gold buttons" which reflect history with an engraved seal, gives a glimpse of the aesthetics of the brand. On this occasion, we are giving a special preview of buttons that have been made to commemorate milestones since J.PRESS arrived in Japan.

This year marks 116 years since J.PRESS was founded and during that admirably long history numerous blazers have been gorgeously adorned with gold buttons. Many anniversary model buttons have been produced since J.PRESS came to Japan and we have carefully selected and introduced 7 particularly impressive buttons from among them.

J.PRESS のハウスマークロゴに 描かれている、羊と鋏をモチーフとしたクレスト(紋章)が印象的なブラ ンドのバックボーンが垣間見えるデ ザイン。日本でJ.PRESSを展開するにあたり製作されたもので、アメリカの老舗釦専業メーカー〈ウォータ ーバリー社〉に依頼したアニバーサ リーモデル。このデザインが後に数多く作成されるブランドの周年記念釦のクラシックアイコンとなる。
The crest (emblem) with motifs of sheep and scissors is embossed on J.PRESS's house mark logo, creating a design that gives a glimpse of the backbone of the impressive brand. This anniversary model was created when J.PRESS was developing in Japan and the production was requested from a long-established manufacturer in America specializing in buttons (The Waterbury Button Company). Later, this design became a classic icon for buttons commemorating anniversaries of many other brands that were developed.

クレスト(紋章)柄を基調に“10”の刻印が入る、 J.PRESS日本上陸10周年の金釦。1960年~ 80年代はアイビールックのブーム真っ只中で、このアニバーサリーモデルの釦が施されたシリアルナンバー入りの限定ブレザーは、瞬く間にファンを惹き付けた。当時のトラッドスタイルの様々なア レンジや派生により、さらに人気に拍車がかかり 当時買えなかった顧客も数多くいたようだ。
This J.PRESS gold button marked the 10th anniversary of the arrival of J.PRESS in Japan and "10" is embossed on the crest( coat of arms) pattern. In the midst of the Ivy League boom from the 1960s to the 1980s, the limited edition blazer with the serial number on the anniversary model buttons immediately attracted fans. Due to various arrangements and spin-offs of the trad style at the time, it seems that popularity accelerated and there were a lot of customers who were not able to buy it at that time.

1992年に製作された90周年記念の金釦は、 “J.PRESS”のロゴのみのシンプルな刻印。ブラ ンドの定番であるクレスト(紋章)柄とは異なり、かなりミニマルデザインだった為、当時のデザインチームの中でも賛否両論の意見がでたが、日本上陸10 周年以降久しくアニバーサリーモデルの釦は作成されていなかった為、この釦が施された記念ブレザーは店頭で売り切れ続出となった。
The 90th anniversary gold button, which was produced in 1992, is a simple engraving of the “J.PRESS” logo only. Unlike the standard crest of the brand( emblem), the pattern is in a very minimal design and even among the design team at the time, opinions about the pros and cons came up. However, as anniversary model buttons had not been made for a long time since the 10th anniversary of the arrival of J.PRESS in Japan, the commemorative blazers with these buttons were soon sold out at the shops.

創業100年の釦は、ブランド定番のクレスト(紋 章)を活かした風格漂う刻印が印象的。100周 年となった2002年は、限定アイテムも数多くリリースされ、その中でもこの釦を使用したブレザーは一際目立ち大好評となった。ブランド全体でも大きな盛り上がりをみせた一年で、釦のデザインアイデアも多く提出された。ウォーターバリー社製の上位ランクであるグレード4を使用。
The button designed to celebrate 100 years since the company was founded, has an impressive embossed stamp in a regal style that uses the brand’s classic crest( emblem). As it was the 100th anniversary in 2002 many limited items were also released, among them the blazers with these buttons made an outstanding impression and were very popular. In a year when there was great excitement towards the whole brand, there were many ideas submitted for the design of the button. These buttons are grade 4 which one of the highest ranks made by The Waterbury Button Company.

二重のオーバルの中に鋏と羊をモチーフとしたロゴと、「OUR 110TH YEAR SINCE 1902」のレ タードが施された2012年製作の110周年釦。大きな節目である110年記念のジャケットやブレザ ーを彩った、ブランドにとっても思い入れの深いデザインであり、J.PRESSファンからもかなりの好評を得た。4年後のブランド創業120周年デザインも、ここからどうアップデートされるか期待したい。
The logo of the 110th anniversary button released in 2012 has motifs of scissors and sheep in the double oval and lettering that reads "OUR 110TH YEAR SINCE 1902". It was used to decorate the jackets and blazers on the occasion of the big milestone 110th anniversary and with its breathtaking design for the brand, it gained considerable praise from J.PRESS fans. I am looking forward to how the update for the 120th anniversary design of the brand in 4 years’ time will look.

J.PRESSプレステージラインのブレザーで使用されていた、水鳥モチーフの金釦。トラッドブランドではハンティングの象徴ともいえる“カモ”が刻印されたデザインは、高級ラインのブレザーを装飾する釦として、当時の顧客のステイタスの一つとなっていた。ウォーターバリー社製の釦には 1~6までのグレードが設定されており、トップランクに入るグレード5のものが採用されている。
Gold buttons with a waterbird motif are used on the blazers in the J.PRESS prestige line. In trad brands, buttons designed with a "duck" that could be called a symbol of hunting that decorated high-end blazer lines was one element that showed the status of the customers of that time. Buttons made by Waterbury are graded 1 to 6 and the grade for these buttons comes in one of the highest ranks of grade 5.

本年製作されたブルドックモチーフのニューラインナップは、イェール大学の運動部でマスコットを勤める“ハンサム・ダン”(ブルドック)を起源にデザインされた。J.PRESSでは過去のプロダクトに同犬種を イメージソースとしたものが多く、フ ァンの間でも認知度が高いという 理由により2018年春夏で改めて 釦のデザインに採用された。今回は後ろ姿の絵柄で、やや遊び心を含ませた刻印が特徴。
The design in the new lineup produced this year with bulldog motifs was originally based on “Handsome Dan”( bulldog) that serves as the mascot of Yale University's sports clubs. Many of J. PRESS’s past products used the same kind of dog breed as an image source, and it was adopted once again in the button design for the spring and summer of 2018 due to the high degree of recognition among fans. This time, the picture pattern engraved on the back is a special feature that conveys a little playfulness.
The Waterbury Button Company
1812年設立、アメリカ・コネチカット州 に本社を構え、創業暦は200年以上 を誇る釦専業メーカー。J.PRESSの 金釦は勿論、ブルックスブラザーズや ラルフローレン、米軍の釦も手掛ける
Established in 1812 and with the head office in Connecticut, USA. The Waterbury Button Company has over 200 years’ experience specializing in manufacturing buttons and makes gold buttonsfor Brooks Brothers, Ralph Lauren, and the US Army, as well as for J.PRESS.